Well I wish I had been able to make it to this
Cool Products Expo last year in 2006. What a great idea! You know there are so many neat things out there that we never hear about because perhaps the manufacturers don't have enough money to get it into the spotlight. Its really not fair and probably doesn't serve us any good because, usually it is the small manufacturers and inventors who really care about the customer they have in mind. You know the big companies are out for profit and the bottom line at all costs.

One of the products featured is the
Airboard. This looks like
a really fun gadget for going down hills and snowboarding and
such. You can do so many fun tricks with this thing! Their
website is a bit of a pain to navigate as it doesn't allow you to
feature the product in a normal way. But anyway, judging from
their video about the Airboard, this is something I would really want to try out on my next trip to the slopes! Looks like I would need to go up to Connecticut in order to purchase or rent an Airboard near me. It would be worth the trip though, Connecticut isn't too far and I would love to try out a new way of getting down the slopes!