I have been using my room mate's treadmill just about every morning for a while now but when she moves out she is taking it with her. A close relative of mine has offered to buy me my own treadmill as long as it costs under $400. I have gone to Sports Authority and Dick's Sporting Goods to see if they still have the same one that I have been using but they don't have it anymore! I don't know what I will do! The reason I really like the one I have been using in particular is because first, it folds up so you don't have to have this big monstrosity taking up your whole living room all the time and most importantly, it has arm rails so you can swing your arms while you walk or jog. Kind of like an elliptical machine has the arm sticks, thats what this treadmill has. I haven't been able to even find a similar model at any of the stores near me. This is basically what it looks like:

So maybe this is actually who makes it also because the name,
Proform, sounds familiar. I am not sure if this is the exact model because in the review of this
Proform Crosswalk it says there is no fan and mine definetly has a fan. Maybe I have the next model up or something. This sucks because on the website I couldn't find the model. I guess I have to check at home for the exact one my room mate has. I don't feel like paying $125 for shipping either, so I don't know where else to look besides Sports Authority or Dicks. Sigh. Nothing comes simple in life. Maybe I will just buy the treadmill off my room mate and she can get a new one. My last problem will be getting it upstairs and into the spare bedroom!

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