Today I want not a product but some answers! This Anna Nicole Smith mess has gotten me so intrigued! I keep calling her Anna Nicole Simpson by mistake, I guess cause I am expecting this to turn into another media/legal circus like Nicole Simpson's murder did. Seriously I cannot stop looking for the latest news on this girl. I used to watch her E! show sometimes, now I can't stop humming the theme song "Anna anna anna anna Nicole, you're so outrageous!" She seemed whacked or brain damaged then, not to be mean but she did! She would just slur her speech, kind of like Ozzy Osbourne did on his show. Anyway I was mildly intrigued when her son died. To tell you the truth I really think her son was the father of her new baby, as gross as that is. There was so much secrecy you couldn't help but wonder if there was some kind of incest or something going on! I mean, I can't help it that it has crossed my mind!
So anyway, I definetly don't think Howard K. Stern is the father. I don't know what I think anymore. I feel bad for the baby, but not that bad. That baby will be so rich after all, there are plenty of other babies in this world to feel sorry for!
Here are some good links for keeping up with the Anna Nicole saga:
TMZ- Anna Nicole
Perez Hilton
Pink is the new blog

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